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The material provided on this site are for information purposes only. These materials constitute general information relating to ares of law familiar Allison L.Harrison. They DO NOT CONSTITUTE LEGAL ADVICE or other professional advice and you may not rely on the content of this website as such.

The content of the website do not necessarily represent the opinions of Allison L. Harrison Law, LLC or its clients. If you require legal advice, you should retain competent legal counsel to advise you. If you would like to retain Allison L. Harrison Law, LLC, please contact me to discuss whether I can assist you. An attorney-client relationship wil arisse between you and Allison L. Harrison Law, LLC only if I specifically agree to act for you. Until I specifically agree to act for you on a matter, you should not provide me with any confidential information or material.

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Allison L. Harrison Law, LLC and Allison L. Harrison will have no liability for any damage arising from the misuse of any information provided on this website. The information provided on the website is not legal advice and should not be relied upon as such. Doing so without seeking the advice of legal counsel constitutes a misuse of the information.

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Legal problems and solutions depend on their unique facts. Laws and regulations often differ from one jurisdiction to another. Materials on this website may not be applicable to your unique situation or jurisdiction. Allison L. Harrison is licensed to practice law in the states of Ohio and Michigan. Users who access this website do so at their own risk and are responsible for complying with the laws of their jurisdiction.